Step 1

Write a small database for your personal contacts.

Each contact should be represented by a single object1 that can hold information about name, date of birth, phone number and mail address.2

Store your contacts in an appropriate data structure. 3

Step 2

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply print your contacts by just calling print() with the identifier of the contact object?

Add a __str__ method4 in your class to make it possible.

Step 3

Imagine one of your contacts get a new mailadress.

Add functions to your class that make you able to change the mail address or phone number of a contact (for practising purposes one function is enough).5

Step 4

Now splice your mail/phone number changer function with some I/O.

Use string formatting to ask the user for the new information while displaying the old.6

  1. You could write a class Contact() to instantiate objects from it. 

  2. Hand over this information to the __init__ function and store them in instance variables. 

  3. You might want to use a dict or a list

  4. Don’t forget the self argument… 

  5. Keep it simple! Call the function from an object with e.g. identifier.changeMail("") and replace the address stored in the instance. 

  6. You need the str.format() function here. You can nest it inside of an input() function.