We want to explore string concatenation and formatting.

Hint: Test after every step whether the code is working as intended.

Step 1

A very useful function for the beginning is input() which reads a line from the command line, that can then be saved to a variable like so var = input().

Write a script that reads an input string from the command line and then prints a message "Hello " with the input string appended. Make sure it works.

Step 2

Modify the script so it asks for the name using input, input("message"), and then greet the person "Hello NAME, welcome to python" using string formatting with the format method.1

Step 3

Now ask for first and last name separately and this time greet by using named fields2

Step 3

Mix both by asking some input and then printing a formatted string with at least two named and two unnamed fields.3

  1. Formatting strings works like this: "hello {}, welcome".format('grandma') -> “hello grandma, welcome” 

  2. For named fields format has to be called with keyword arguments format(varname=value)

  3. For both mixed call with positional first, then named (kwargs), like so "My {} string {abc}, {}, what {name}".format('yellow', 'left', abc='blue', name='fred') -> "My yellow string blue, left, what fred"