Step 1


Write a script. Import the time module.1 Then write a function called time_teller. This will be our decorator. time_teller contains another function that fills three Strings into “It is {date}. Since {hour} hours and {minutes} minutes.”.

Write a second function get_time that return a list with string values of the date and the time split into hours and minutes.2

Use the decorator on get_time and print this function


Run your script.

Step 2


Change your decorator so that it accepts arguments. Change the String as well to “Now it is {date}”

Change get_time to accept a sting as input (default should be "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")3 and return the date formatted like this.

Add some more prints with custom date formats as you like.4


Run your script and test if the values are correct.

  1. Use import time 

  2. You can get formatted time using e.g. time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") for the date for hours and minutes use %H and %M 

  3. You can define default values if there is no argument given (e.g.: def my_func(value="Take this String if there is none") 

  4. A table of the formats can be found in the Documentation